What if, just for a moment, we paused to explore opportunities together?
The Challenge
How might we tap into transformative and intuitive AI opportunities;
In ways that solve challenges, inspire new products and services, exceed experiences and create connected businesses;
So that we imagine, design and build solutions that were previously out of reach—and shape responsive, smarter organizations?
70+ Blitzers 1 x Challenge 8 Hours 30+ Moonshots 10 x Concepts
On 27 November 2024 industry experts, clients, and colleagues gathered for AI Opportunities Blitz.
The Blitz was designed as an open innovation, cross sector ideas session - to explore solutions together that we typically wouldn't conceive of on our own.
Teams had open and strategic discussions about the potential of AI, how we should go about tackling challenges, and what initiatives we'd propose to respond to opportunities.
New insights, sharper focus, better alignment, greater impact, potential for collaboration, experimentation and incubation of new ideas
Each Think Wrong Drill produces useful output. Documentation of our work provides a rich collection of ideas and insights to mine as we move forward.
We used I’m a Tool—a Flow Drill—to avoid the barriers created by titles, position, company, and hierarchy.
Instead, arrivals and introductions is a time to establish an informal, playful, growth mindset environment. Avoiding distinctions and status among Wrong Thinkers.
I’m a Tool helped us
Introduce playfulness
Kick start idea flow
Give us insight into fellow Wrong Thinkers and the types of expertise in the room
We used Matters Most—a Move Fast Drill—to understand who might be most important to our success—and to whom our success might matter most.
Matters Most helped us
Identify the highest potential beneficiaries and partners
Develop starter thoughts on what they think about the problem we're addressing
We used Djibouti—a Flow drill—to improv with each other like a great jazz ensemble.
Djibouti helped us
Shift our mindset
Be more effective collaborators
Reduce idea killing
We used Know Me—a Make Stuff Drill—to avoid the Think Right Bias of focusing on the key features and benefits that we can offer.
Instead, we applied the Think Wrong Practice of striving to understand the deeper needs, tensions, and motives of the people for whom our solutions might matter most. We shifted our mindset to connect more deeply with our stakeholders—those who matter most to our success and to whom our success might matter most.
Know Me helped us
Better understand our audiences’ real pains and needs
Identify opportunities for improvement or disruption of the status quo
Conceive solutions that will matter to and be valued by our priority audiences
We used Deflection Point—a Be Bold Drill—to overcome the Think Right Bias for the status quo.
Instead we applied the Think Wrong Practice of imagining bold paths that deflect from the status quo—shifting from the way things are to how they might be.
Deflection Point helped us
Frame the way things are and how they might be.
Identify solutions that might be leveraged to shape our bold paths.
Bring aspirational from/to shifts to life.
We used Anchors & Rockets—a Be Bold Drill—to get past the Think Right Reflex of focusing on why things can’t be done (in the name of risk reduction).
Instead we applied the Think Wrong Practice of identifying the biological and cultural anchors to overcome and rockets we might leverage for change and impact.
Anchors & Rockets helped us
Understand what might stand in the way of solving our Blitz challenge.
Understand how others have been successfully addressing our Blitz challenge.
Gain personal connection to, identification with, and understanding of our Blitz challenge.
We used Truth + Truth—a Flow Drill—to kick start the session.
Truth + Truth helped us
Introduce playfulness and connect
Set the stage and mindset for the rest of the day
Prepare for idea flow
Position the mismatch between what we see and know
Position the mismatch that two truths, doesn't make it true.
We used Brand Story—a Make Stuff Drill—as a point of inspiration to elevate our ideas.
Brand Story helped us
Get into the minds of adjacent, real world innovations
Find inspiration from fresh ideas
Create linkages between technology and solutions
Foster creative thinking beyond our solutions and boundaries
We used Moonshot—A Be Bold Drill—to imagine what might be and super charge our ideas.
Moonshot helped us
Elevate our opportunity for and craft a shared vision of impact.
Define aspirational goals.
Identify reasons to believe we might accomplish them.
Frame the way we currently talk about the company and how our customers may think of us
Identify and align our aspirations for how we want to be seen
Set the stage and mindset for the rest of the day
Team 1
Automate the Treasurer's day to day activities - cash flow, forecasting, FX, hedging or budget availability
The Force - unseen power, data orchestration layer
Human, car, home, network inter-connectivity
Collective intelligence between cars
Replace private transport - travelling is not a time wasted
Cars-as-a-Service - shared economy
Immersive VR
Renewable car panels - energy
Beyond transport
Always plugged in
Team 2
AI autonomous Smart Port in Durban
Smart container tracking
Digital twin to predict ops and maintenance
AI driven cargo prioritization
AI driven drone fleet
Integrate in global trade network - customs, logistics, all aspects of operations
Self service autonomous port
IOT data-led ports
Port of Excellence
Data sharing with customers
Team 3
Unifi - universal wifi
Everything connected
Global wifi
One "ring" to connect to all
Team 4
Reimagine debt
Gig 4 Debt Marketplace
Turn debt into job opportunities
Create a new debt collector ecosystem
Reward network
Fractional payoff on next purchase
Team 5
Portable water
Access to clean water
Municipality wide solution
Water Data - improve availability, accuracy, real time
Team 6
Hyper personal newspaper for me
Engine Hub
Personal information assistant
A journalist in your pocket
Cross media investigation
New value model for origination
Become the hub for content origination
Community collaborations
Leverage existing business model with contributions from content providers
Drowning in info, but starving for knowledge
Improved algorithms
Bundled subscriptions
Team 7
Health guardian - doctor in your pocket
Health repository
Digital diagnosis scanner
Early mobile detection for diseases
User defined access to personal data
Real time data
Supports traditional and homeopathic preferences
Empathy engine
2nd opinion automated
Personalised treatment
Access to global data and insights
Team 8
AI powered regulatory monitoring
ESG Leaderboard
ESG data platform to provide advice
Automated ESG reporting
AI advice agent
Works with all stakeholders of ESG
AI recommendation platform with regulation, resource and environmental monitoring
Team 9
Financial and data sharing to enable mutually beneficial risk environment
AI robotic ops manager for SME's
Cashflow and break even monitor
Gen AI data demystifyer
AI Partnership Partner
Country trade specification and bolstering
Cross border trade tokens for credit
Every phone a CRM broadcaster
Team 10
Create a safe and secure environment for use of AI in medical research
AI regulation to stimulate economic growth
Commercialise government data sets to fund AI ecosystem
Create free and safe AI for all
Influence regulation across labour and environment
AI awareness for all citizens
AI to regulate AI
We used Name It Scenario—A Make Stuff Drill—to craft stories for our emerging solutions and better understand how they might work, and how people might experience them.
Name It Scenario helped us
Rule an idea in or out before investing any energy in it.
Bring an idea to life to understand its potential—and to allow it to inspire other potential solutions.
Develop early use scenarios
Share our idea and learn from it
Better understand our emerging solution
We used Biz in a Box—a Make Stuff Drill—to avoid the Think Right PowerPoint Orthodoxy of forcing everything into the business-as-usual format of bullet points and white pages.
Instead we embraced the Think Wrong Practice, using boxes to bring the most compelling facets of our business ideas to life.
Biz in a Box helped us
Craft clear and compelling language.
Identify adjacent strengths with which to build the business.
Create rough models of the business’s products, services, processes, experiences, and so on.
Business in a Box
Team 1: The Force
Team 2: Port-A-Eye
Team 3: Unifi
Team 4: FairXChange
Team 5: Aqua Compass
Team 6: Re-Define
Team 7: SAIngoma
Team 8: Green Washer
Team 9: Ubique
Team 10: Afri-AI
Thank you for blitzing with us. A successful Blitz depends on everyone’s participation.
We’d love your feedback.
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